EARTHSIEGE 2 DEMO _____________________________________________________________ I. System Requirements. EARTHSIGE II requires Windows 95 and Direct Draw (DirectX) to run. This demo is optimized for performance on a Pentium based machine with at least 16 megabytes of RAM. The minimum supported machine is a 486/66MHz with Localbus, SVGA, mouse, and eight megabytes of RAM. If you are running this demo on a non-pentium machine, you may find better results if you run in 320X200 resolution. See the section on "Launching the Demo" for further information. _____________________________________________________________ II. Installation For this demo to work you MUST first decompress the files. Copy all of the Demo files to an empty directory on your hard disk and run: Install _____________________________________________________________ III. Notes about Direct Draw If your machine does not have the Direct Draw (DirectX) drivers installed, you will need to download them seperately. The EARTHSIEGE 2 demo will not run without DirectX installed. The demo will launch in a window by default. You can click on the maximize button inside the upper right hand corner of the game window to switch to full screen mode. Not all video cards support direct draw's full screen mode. If you experience problems in full screen mode, press the "Alt" and "Enter" keys at the same time to switch back to windowed mode. _____________________________________________________________ IV. Launching the demo To run the demo, either type "ES" in a DOS box, or double- click on the ES icon in Explorer. You can run at 320X200 resolution by adding a " -v0" (space, minus sign, lowercase 'v' and numerical zero) after "ES" in a DOS box. Your command line would look like this: ES -v0 _____________________________________________________________ V. BASIC GAME CONTROLS JOYSTICK: If you wish to use a joystick, you must first calibrate it in the Win '95 control panel. You will only have to do this once. Joystick or numberpad keys = steering, forward, reverse T = Auto target tracking- moves turret automatically I J K = Turret movement M Backspace = Auto centers turret ENTER = selects target Joystick trigger or SPACEBAR = Fire V toggle inside / outside view TAB toggle herc / camera control in outside view ] Increase shields to back [ shields to front 1-9 select weapon CTRL-Q Quit Earthsiege 2 demo ____________________________________________________________ VI. Full Version Features: -50 Combat missions -Digitized voice (speechpack) included -Optional close air support (flying) missions -Over 25 weapons to choose from -10 configureable Herc chassis -Multiple terrains including Urban Ruins, Artic, and Volcanic. -Lunar missions -Day/night missions -CD Quality soundtrack (Redbook Audio) -Live action video sequences -Customizeable user interface -And a whole lot more! TO ORDER EARTHSIEGE 2: Call Sierra at 1-800-757-7707 For more information: America Online: Keyword: Sierra Compuserve: GO SIERRA WWW: Copyright (C) Sierra, Inc 1996. EarthSiege is a registered trademark of Sierra On-Line.